Monday, November 26, 2012

Soup to Nuts: Vol.1

By:  Shane McCarthy

The most current and official Big East Men’s Basketball POWER RANKINGS

But first, a brief explanation about the title: ‘Soup to Nuts’. 

Per Wikipedia - “Soup to nuts” is an American English idiom conveying the meaning of “from beginning to end”.  It is derived from the description of a full course dinner, in which courses progress from soup to a dessert of nuts.  But most of all I just really enjoy the phrase and didn’t want to slap the bland old title of ‘power rankings’ on my, well, power rankings.  And it just so happens to kind of make logical sense, considering I am ranking the teams from 1 (the beginning) to 15 (the end). 

But enough of that.  We are about four weeks into the season and I have seen enough from each team to issue the inaugural installment of Soup to Nuts.  Feel free to leave a comment, shoot me an email or hit me up on twitter (@shane_t_mac) if you so please.  

Twitter:  @shane_t_mac

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